@Article{ G.-gutiérrez_ALVAREZ_Pascual-gil_Bandinelli_Guidi_Martorelli_FERNANDEZ_Ruiz-Cabello_GONZALEZ:854-863,

author = { Guadalupe G.-gutiérrez and JESUS ALVAREZ GONZALEZ and Enrique Pascual-gil and Mauro Bandinelli and Rodolfo Guidi and Valerio Martorelli and MARIO ALBERTO FERNANDEZ PANTOJA and Miguel David Ruiz-Cabello Núñez and SALVADOR GONZALEZ GARCIA } ,

title = { HIRF Virtual Testing on the C-295 Aircraft: On the Application of a Pass/Fail Criterion and the FSV Method },

journal = { IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility },

year = { 2014 },

volume = { 56 },

pages = { 854-863 },
